Why does my cursor 0.45.5 version automatically uninstall itself?

So the issue is related to it uninstalling it self before installing it’s update. You’ll see that the AppData is missing, but navigating to %AppData%..\Local\cursor-update\ and check for pending if you have an update. INSTALL THE UPDATE FROM HERE Do not keep downloading the version from their website as it’s not the “current” version so you end up in the same loop. I’m not sure as I haven’t put a trace on it, but I think when there’s a pending update and you close (shutdown which I often go straight to shutdown) with a pending update, cursor tries to install it, removes the old (current) version and then times out, (in my case I’m shutting down the PC) so the update doesn’t get a chance to install. This way you are “manually” installing the current updated version. This is obviously a bug they need to fix but hopefully this gives you a work around as the version on the site is old and just keeps you in this never fully updated loop!

In there I have a JSON file showing an updated version

{"fileName":"Cursor Setup 0.45.10 - Build 250205buadkzpea.exe","sha512":"Y4swAp6UV3njSOf0bKJLX1yHy4UDYwb0zYNRlnZBXlz0u2lz0f1sESWf0F7LHBI5CgBlqnZ40CxWCS8mOq98FQ==","isAdminRightsRequired":false}

It also helps if you add both %APPDATA%\Local\Cursor and cursor-update to your A\V Exclusions, navigate to Windows → Settings → Security → Virus & Threat Protection → Manage Settings → Exclusions → Add both

Good Luck~ Bizanator

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