Yolo mode is on, but keep getting asked to run approved commands

It happens randomly, i’ve closed out / restarted… but cursor will hang and ask to run cmds… that are approved…

anyone have workarounds? rather annoying.

Hey, just to confirm, do you have anything in the denylist below that?

Seems like a bug, just want to rule it out!

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no, nothing in deny list… i’ve not had it yet since changing to cmd.exe instead of powershell…

this would mainly happen when i was running 2 separate workspaces, simultaneously too… was trying to yolo code for the backend with python and frontend yolo prompts for react/next.js…

i can try to recreate the issue again tomorrow, but it was really jammed up bad when using powershell and the 2 workspaces at once.

Glad moving to CMD got things sorted!