YOLO Mode not working

Thanks for reporting a bug you have found in Cursor!
Please add the following info to help us diagnose your issue:

:white_check_mark: Check the forum to ensure the issue hasn’t been reported already
there are some discussions and older issues not new case.

:lady_beetle: Provide a clear description of the bug

  • in settings: enable YOLO, add specific commands its allowed to use, add commands its not allowed to use (rm).
  • Go into Chat, Agent: Ask it to do something.
  • It follows rules and starts doing the tasks, then stops.
  • No code change is automatically applied, no command runs atuomaticaly even it says Auto-run in the command file

:arrows_counterclockwise: Explain how to reproduce the bug (if known)

  • See steps above.

:camera: Attach screenshots or recordings (e.g., .jpg, .png, .mp4).

:computer: Tell us your operating system and your Cursor version (e.g., Windows, 0.x.x).
Cursor v0.46.7

:no_entry_sign: Tell us if the issue stops you from using Cursor.
Yes YOLO mode doesnt work.

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The issue is that you can not have any text in the yolo prompt as then nothing will get picked up and no autoselection takes place. this has been reported by many others.