AI Chat Freezes Indefinitely When Using @ to Reference Large Codebases/Folders


  • OS: Windows

Bug Description:
When using the @ feature to reference large codebases or folders in the AI chat:

  1. Chat enters an infinite loading state
  2. No response is received
  3. New chat sessions also fail to work
  4. Only a complete application restart resolves the issue

Reproduction Steps:

  1. Open Cursor
  2. Start a new AI chat
  3. Type a message that includes @ to reference a large codebase/folder


  • Forces frequent application restarts
  • Disrupts workflow
  • Affects all subsequent chat sessions until restart

Additional Notes:
This issue occurs consistently when referencing large codebases/folders. This is really annoying and a major reason why I would quit cursor

Hey, when you say you used @ to include a large codebase/folder, what is specific to you @?

Were you using @codebase or @[folder], with a specific folder selected?
How big is your codebase, and does the index in your Cursor Settings look correct?