Big bug with apply button

When I have a chat in the sidebar and I want to apply one of the changes that it recommends, I run into issues if I have previously dismissed previous changes that it recommended. Because when I go to click apply for the code snippet that I want, cursor goes and attempts to apply the previous recommended code snippet first that I skipped over on purpose.

I would really appreciate if this got fixed. Major headache. I feel like all you would have to do is make it so that when you click the apply button, we dismiss previous code snippet recommendations that are above the current one in the chat. Because it is cool when I click one button and it goes through the other recommendations below it because a lot of the times I like it when it applies those changes.

We had a similar post here: "Apply changes" buggy - 1 code block only + consider actual src + etc and some changes were made to fix it. I believe you’re already on the latest version of Cursor?

I am using the latest version. Also this is a pretty big issue for me because the tool that you guys created here actually enables me to program again because I have extremely bad neuropathy and I cannot type much because of pain. I use speech to text to dictate instructions. This ‘apply’ feature is so crucial to me. And when it bugs out like this it really messes me up. I would love to hop in a call if you are down for a few minutes and show you what I mean if you’re down for that. My discord is jmiles38.