My workflow relies on using Jupyter notebooks on a VM through via ssh. Unfortunately, >90% of the time I get this message when I try to open a notebook after establishing a connection. I’ve been using Cursor since it came out and I’ve always had to deal with this issue. I’ve changed versions, uninstalled the jupyter extensions etc. The only way to get around it is to restart the ssh connection a bunch of times until the notebook renders. This is extremely annoying, I probably spend more than 20 minutes a day doing this and I keep doing it only because I find the Cursor features so useful.
Why is this happening? In VSCode the notebooks render through ssh just fine most of the time.
I see other users on GitHub have had this issue. First, try clearing the cache, sometimes restarting the editor can fix it. Also, make sure Python and Jupyter are active and properly set up on the remote server. Here’s a guide on clearing the cache:
I managed to fix it by wiping ~/.cursor locally and ~/.cursor-server on the remote server. I can’t believe I haven’t tried that earlier. Eveything works fine now.