Cursor has become the worst since the update

The function to ‘Pin’ the desired code file or code snippet in chat with Cmd + L has disappeared, and any additional files inserted into the chat keep vanishing each time I enter a new prompt. As a result, the code suggested by the AI becomes completely useless.

If I could, I would desperately want to revert to the previous version. My productivity has been cut in half compared to the previous version. The main reason I use Cursor has disappeared.


What do you mean by vanishing? Do you mean that you expected the files attached to that message to persist onto the next message?

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I’m curious what you mean by “code suggested by the AI becomes completely useless”, as the files will still be included in context if you mentioned them in previous messages. Could you elaborate?

Hi @Min ,

Just to add to the investigation, does the screenshot in this post capture what you are describing?

If so, this behaviour has been acknowledged by the Cursor team and a fix will be in place in the next release:


Yes this exact issue keeps happening on my side too since the 0.4.0 updates. Sometimes I build a prompt by switching between a few tabs and adding the right file to the chat as I go, with the way its working now everytime I switch tab it clears the selected files.

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Yes, It seems right. Also, I’m very sad that the function to continuously keep desired code materials using the ‘Pin’ feature when starting a new chat has disappeared. Please restore this feature.

I’ll bring back pinned context in the next release.


Thanks!!! :face_holding_back_tears:

YES it has.

I floated this question on some YT channels to get a wider opinion.

Cursor is continually violating rules and instructions, overwriting previous functions and getting comfortable in ‘sorry’ without actually improving with feedback.

It’s good at NEW code, but now terrible at working with existing code.

Has anyone figured an effective solution to working with code larger than 400lines?

I’ve had to give it instructions (several times) to process large code in chunks of 350 lines. LLMs arnt generally great at counting, so 350 gives it a buffer.

Yes, I’ve had a similar experience with GPT-4o on Cursor recently. Once the code surpasses around 700 lines, it becomes unmanageable. I have no choice but to break it down into smaller files or modules to continue leveraging Cursor’s capabilities effectively.


context window probably set too low in the background, or GPT4o is effing up

Dropping in to confirm that I’ve been experiencing the same shortcomings expressed by others in this thread. Looking forward to seeing how this evolves.

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agreed the update since August 21 seems to have completely abandoned the utility it had. countless times it creates new files even when i pass in the file in composer.

Thanks for reporting @georgestander747, this is really helpful! Does it feel worse in any other ways?

Curious about this - is it just CMD+L chat that seems worse, or also Composer?

I have to agree here as well. I reported this as well, but Claude is just not performing even half as good as it did before the August 21 change. I have now had time to thoroughly test it against old code and it is not the same.

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There are a few little things i find strange, for instance if you open composer and #file name and then click on another open file in the ide it just drops all the ones you selected previously in composer. Super annoying.

Sometimes i ask it to update logic in a component and it deletes other parts like styling or imports?

to be honest at the moment i cannot trust composer. I use normal chat to sort of brainstorm and see what it comes up with, if i agree ill either apply it or edit its ideas.


Totally agree–the last updates have nearly ruined Cursor. It’s slow, less intelligent, constantly messing things up and forgetting the files I’m working on and just making so many mistakes. I’ve had to go back to other tools and copy paste code back and forth like the pre-cursor days. Thinking about going back to Aider. Hope Cursor team can improve quality between releases/test it more to avoid breaking stuff. It’s a tough balance to be on the cutting edge and bring features vs risking regression.


I agree. Since the update, adding files to the Cursor Chat has been hard. Its not writing the complete code anymore. Before I could import 3 files and then it would write a new code considering the 3 files. But now it always forgets something. The productivity is -50%.

Also the new design of the CHAT is not as practical anymore. The font of the code became bigger.

I love cursor. It helped me a lot with everything. Hopefully everything will be fixed soon. In the meantime i’m going to use another software.