Cursor is not updating the code

Hey folks,

I have been using cursor months and today, it’s getting stopped updating the code. It’s suggesting but not taking any action. I use agent mode. What happened?


Same here

now, it’s been using my monthly credits too.

I just came here to report this problem. Here’s a screenshot of the behaviour I’m seeing, is this the same thing?

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I just uninstalled and reinstalled. Seems like it’s working again.

Upvoting, generates code, doesn’t apply

It did happen to me, I restarted my PC and it started working again.

Hey, for anyone who is facing some failed Applies, can you try two things:

  1. Open the DevTools with Developer: Toggle Developer Tools command, and check for any errors
  2. Use the following guide to grab a Request ID for when the apply fails (grab the apply, not the composer itself) and send that here!

With this, we can hopefully figure out why apply is hit and miss for you

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Thank you! This tip help me find the real problem: I set a proxy in cursor but the proxy server is down.

anyone else restarted and even Reinstalled yet didnt work?

i also tried reverting to older version but still, no changes apply in chat or composer

apply ID: 2fc7e7bb-adef-4faf-848a-d6b5ddd461a1

Hey, this ID is not visible on our systems, so my initial guess would be there is a networking issue stopping your machine from communicating with Cursor’s servers.

What happens if you try to use the chat or Composer?