Cursor removing Itself? After closing it

I installed Cursor two weeks ago. Recently, after closing it , the application removing itself on my PC (windows) . I have to downland and install it again every time. How can I solve this issue ? Thanks.

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Hey, we are actively looking into this at the moment and believe there is a bug causing this.
Sorry for any inconvenience in the meantime!

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Any update on this? It’s happening to me as well.

Hey, if you are facing this (e.g. @saiello) can you wait until it removes itself, then send a screenshot of any files left in the%LocalAppData%\Programs\Cursor folder.

We’re still trying to debug and fix this, but can’t reproduce it on our end yet!

gets deleted every time a new update is released. when i close cursor for the day a small popup comes up for uninstalling and next day there is no cursor.exe in the folder.

I realized that when I updated the cursor regularly, I haven’t seen the problem recently. But the bug still needs to be fixed :slight_smile:

This seemed to fix the issue for me:

If this happens again I will do so. Love the product!

It seems I have fixed the problem. In the folder C:\Users\UserName\AppData\Local\Programs\cursor you need to rename the Cursor Uninstall.exe file to another one (preferably without the word uninstall) and it seems like my cursor and its files are not deleted. I tried to close and open several times and everything is fine.