I’ve tried many different versions from 0.45.x to 0.46.11 but cursor tab is the only thing that never works while other functionalities are working. One thing that also doesn’t seem to work is the list of available models don’t get updated and is stuck with 3.5 sonnet alone or 3-4 only depending on which app I do clean install with.
I know zscaler is known to cause issues and HTTP/2 workaround, etc. To me most useful feature is cursor tab and it hurts that it’s the one not working.
System: MBP M4 pro
behind zscaler (HTTP/2 does not seem to be working when check against api2 or 3.cursor.sh. goes thru 1.1.)
now on version 0.46.11 but tried other versions with clean install as well.
Did all the clean install, restart, logging in/out
Pro user
currently enabled these
Http › Experimental: System Certificates V2 - to get rid of certificate error
Cursor › General: Disable Http2
cursor tab enabled in setting. still says it requires pro (custom model)
I would like to know if there’s plan to address this issue in the upcoming versions. My guess is cursor tab is using HTTP/2 only and can’t use HTTP/1.1 If there’s no plan to support other protocol, I need to find alternative product…thanks.