.cursorignore and .gitignore in parent/subdirectories?

Say I have a monorepo that contains several services. The top-level repo has a .gitignore, and each service has a .gitignore in its own subdirectory. Git will tidily honor both the per-directory .gitignores and the root .gitignore. Two questions:

Firstly, will Cursor recognize the .gitignore files in subdirectories and honor their ignores when the monorepo root is opened in Cursor?

Secondly, if I create .cursorignore files in the subdirectories, will those be honored when the monorepo root is opened in Cursor?



Can someone answer this please lol

To be honest I haven’t personally confirmed either of these cases. My guess is that the first would work fine, but the second maybe not!

The best way to answer this might unfortunately be trying it yourself, although I’ll ask the team if we have a definitive answer on this.