How to confirm the account with subscription

Hello there! I have subscribed to Cursor Pro few months ago, but I have not received a confirmation email, and I have checked all possible accounts, none of which have an active subscription. The usage fee is being deducted from my credit card every month. Can I check which account the subscription is activated on using the card number?

Perhaps, your confirmation email, was in your spam folder, so you never found it. :sob:

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Thank you for your reply!

Since itā€™s been a few month since I started subscription, the e-mail in the spam folder must be already goneā€šŸ˜¢

Do you have any idea to recoverā€¦ā€¦?

Are you logged in with the correct account in the Cursor app? If so, you should be able to see your email in the Cursor settings at the top (Ctrl + Shift + J).

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Thank you for your reply. Do you mean that I can check the e-mail I got from Cursor several months ago in the Cursor app? I tried Ctrl + Shift + J but I couldnā€™t find it. I did log in with every account I could come up with but none of them had active subscription, so I might be missing the correct account. Can I check with which account I am paying the subscription fee, from my name or credit card number or something?

according @Jakob advice. I tried, and it worked.
I think you can have a try.
this is my screen shot

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Thank you for trying and telling me. I could check my e-mail address that I can currently log in with, but since it is some months ago that I registered, I can no more check the e-mail in the spam folder which would have enabled the subscription and the confirmationšŸ˜¢ The problem I have is that Iā€™m paying subscription fee even though I cannot use the pro service, and I cannot stop it because the subscription status I can see from my setting page is still inactive.

I think you can contact the Cursor Team to help you deal with your problem. :joy: :sob: