How to Effectively Contact the Support Team?

I’ve had a negative experience when trying to reach the support team via Responses are either delayed or not received at all. It’s possible that isn’t the correct channel for support inquiries.

Does anyone have suggestions for a better way to communicate with their support team or any tips on getting a faster response?

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Sorry you haven’t gotten a reply! is a great way to reach us, and we’re growing the team to make sure we get everybody a quick reply.

I’ll DM you now to help with your request as well!

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I would like to register a corporate account, but I’m encountering issues when trying to register with an email that has a .ge domain. Could you please assist me in resolving this? I have already sent all the relevant details to

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I’m still waiting for a response to my request. :neutral_face:

me too, it’s been almost a month and i’ve made multiple issues in the forums.

@Michael-RealT (the ceo) responded back asking why, and i haven’t heard back even though i’ve responded multiple times to be like “umm, hello?” after my initial response to them :thinking:

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It seems they have a limited number of professional developers and a small support team. While Cursor is a great platform, the support could use some improvement. Cursor Team, how can we help you enhance your service?

word :thinking:

hey! sorry about the delay. we’re working through a bit of a backlog atm. anyone here that hasn’t got help yet?

Nope :frowning: I’ve started looking for alternative solutions. I really hope the team can find the resources to improve their support quality.

Hi Team,

I have also tried to contact the support team on consolidation and migration of accounts into one team. we now have 24 users on the system but I cannot get anyone to respond to my concerns and questions and I am not able to see or manage the users in this manner.

Please get in touch support,


Hi Gary, I have sent you a private message. Sorry for the delay.

Hi Dan, I have a billing issue and the support at is not responding. Could you help please?
I cannot onboard new developers under my team account until I resolve this.
Thank you

hi eric,
i have billing issues, and my scenario is a bit different, could you please help?

I too need support and have sent a few emails to and need assistance.