Thanks for reporting a bug you have found in Cursor!
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I start Cursor and after a few messages sent it starts to getting stuck in the “Generating…” state. Some times stopping and sending again a couple of times solves the problem, but most of the time i try and try stoping and re sending but no way it works. Then I restart the Cursor app and it starts working agian. It’s annoying!!
Is there a way to avoid this o r si it indeed a bug?
I’m on Maco OS X Sonoma 14.7.1 using a MB Pro M1 Max with 32GB RAM
I’m on 0.46.7 but it’s been happening regularly since I started using it at version 0.45 I think.
Restarting the app solves the problem and the. After a few chat messages sometimes less sometimes more the Generting… problem appears.
try switching to edit mode? I cant use agent mode in the latest build. My large scripts that I previously had cursor create fail. Im guessing its a context issue? Edit mode handles it just fine.
I’m also getting stuck on generating which is frustrating.
I had the same in agent mode.
Then i notices, that the agent was trying to run a shell command. After i clicked on the run button the agent started the shell command and after that it generates the rest.
The agent is workin a bit different then the composer and is doing shell commands and is watching the results to test what he is building to fix bugs directly in the process.
Not only does it still occur frequently. After such a endless “Generating” even, when you resetart Cursor the latest chat session is missing last x parts. That means we have to waste more prompts on starting way back in the process and still get stuck again after 30minnutes or latest after 1h.
Im not using many extensions and have no memory issues.
Some attention from the Cursor team on this would be really appreciated.
@danperks is there anyone from Cursor who can have a look at that? it happens more and more frequently, on new chats already at 2nd request without huge attachments, no matter which model is used, even across providers on usage based pricing.
Its clearly a showstopper.
I can provide additional details
AI Network requests are not being fired when clicking on Send in Prompt field. it just fake shows ‘Generating’.
full_stripe_profile CURSOR api requests ARE being fired every few minutes and succeed without issues. The user has pro account, an active subscription and a payment ID. This means that the issue is not network related but clearly UI issue in Cursor code.
It does not matter which model you try. Cursor IDE loses the ability to make AI requests after 30minutes latest.
While we are not being charged, a non-functional AI integrated IDE is still unusable.
So it looks it’s a real problem and not an isolated case.
I though it was a slow/fast request thing (I consumed my 500 request un the first days) but changing to usage-based pricing was the same with the big difference every time i clicked send $0.04 was being consumed without getting any answer just the request that got stuck.
Switching models, starting a new agent chat, restarting/reinstalling Cursor sometimes helps, but none of these is a reliable solution. Already wasted like 100 requests. Please, escalate this issue.
It’s absolutely outrageous that not a single model works and yet fast requests are still being consumed. Cursor is currently absolutely useless and I will switch to the competition if it continues like this.
Edit: Cursor is currently working for me again. It’s okay if there are technical problems, but what is an absolute no-go for me is that you don’t get any fast requests refunded. You can’t penalize paying users for your technical problems. I have just canceled for now and will have a look at how the product works in the next weeks. Based on that I will decide if I will re-subscribe or not.
Currently we can do about 3-4 requests (no matter if each in separate chat or after each other in one) and then Cursor does not make AI requests, just is stuck in the Cursor UI bug "Generating’. no update from Cursor team so far.
@danperks can someone from Cursor please look into this. its reproducible and constantly happening. we have to restart cursor each time.
Cursor 0.46.8 hangs and stops responding mostly on generating.
using Claude 3.7 for Flutter/dart application. Makes it almost unusable. restarting works for some time but after a few minutes it goes back to same issue.
The amount of RAM its consuming is in the range of 4gb-7gb.
Also, keep getting the “Tool call timed out after xxxx ms” most of the times 5000ms and sometimes 25000ms.