Is there a point to having an Anthropic Subscript as well as a Cursor Pro account?

I currently have both a Claude and ChatGPT subscription. I currently do a lot of coding using Claude and I’m considering starting to use Cursor.

I’m pretty confident that I’m going to like Cursor and will likely get a Pro account sooner rather than later. Currently, when using a Cursor Pro account, it’s not clear to me whether or not there’s any point in also using a paid Anthropic account via api key.

After a little more research, I’ve come to discover that my Anthropic/Claude Pro account is a separate thing from their API access and I would need to pay for API access separate from my Anthropic Pro subscription. Because of this, I’ll just get a Cursor Pro subscription and go from there. I’ll decide whether I continue with my Anthropic account separate and apart from my Cursor pro account because the two are not related.

No, you don’t need your API key. This model is included in your Pro subscription.