Last build update broke open folder passed by argument

Description :
Where : On linux Ubuntu 24.04.2 LTS with system update done.
When : after updating cursor to the last version (paid user) Cursor-0.45.15-73dd83bb6f8e3a3704ad8078a8e455ac6d4260d1.deb.glibc2.25-x86_64.AppImage.
What : the command line cursor launch with --no-sandbox AND a folder (current : . ) doesn’t work anymore and an error is thrown in the shell console.
Cursor open but the foder is /usr so i need to open manualy the good one.

Command line : ./Cursor-0.45.15-73dd83bb6f8e3a3704ad8078a8e455ac6d4260d1.deb.glibc2.25-x86_64.AppImage --no-sandbox .

Failed to load @todesktop/runtime Error: ToDesktop runtime config doesn’t exist (/tmp/.mount_CursornRRj6Q/usr/share/cursor/resources/todesktop-runtime-config.json)
at exports.default (/tmp/.mount_CursornRRj6Q/usr/share/cursor/resources/app/node_modules/@todesktop/runtime/dist/getConfig.js:16:15)
at new UpdaterAgent (/tmp/.mount_CursornRRj6Q/usr/share/cursor/resources/app/node_modules/@todesktop/runtime/dist/updaterAgents.js:31:48)
at AutoUpdater._initializeUpdaterAgent (/tmp/.mount_CursornRRj6Q/usr/share/cursor/resources/app/node_modules/@todesktop/runtime/dist/AutoUpdater.js:254:30)
at new AutoUpdater (/tmp/.mount_CursornRRj6Q/usr/share/cursor/resources/app/node_modules/@todesktop/runtime/dist/AutoUpdater.js:50:18)
at ToDesktop._init (/tmp/.mount_CursornRRj6Q/usr/share/cursor/resources/app/node_modules/@todesktop/runtime/dist/index.js:32:35)
at ToDesktop.init (/tmp/.mount_CursornRRj6Q/usr/share/cursor/resources/app/node_modules/@todesktop/runtime/dist/index.js:17:37)
at file:///tmp/.mount_CursornRRj6Q/usr/share/cursor/resources/app/out/main.js:123:6152
at (node:internal/modules/esm/module_job:234:25)
at async ModuleLoader.import (node:internal/modules/esm/loader:473:24)
at async node:electron/js2c/browser_init:2:128702
at async asyncRunEntryPointWithESMLoader (node:internal/modules/run_main:137:5)

Screenshot :

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You need to pass the full path of the folder now

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Yes I’m getting the same error when the Electron program starts

Failed to load @todesktop/runtime Error: ToDesktop runtime config doesn't exist (C:\Users\Administrator\AppData\Local\Programs\cursor\resources\todesktop-runtime-config.json)

Same issue in Ubuntu 22.04

Could you explain this, please?
My Cursor was working flawlessly until I updated to 0.45.15 and now when I try to run my python scripts. I get the same issues here.

I am running Windows 11, even when I close cursor and try to run the python scripts via powershell. Cursor automatically loads (for some odd reason) and I still get the error(s).

Thank’s it works for me. Strange functionality… But anyway it works now.