Long context mode gone in newest update

I was using the long context mode quite a lot but mainly with my own keys. Now its not possible anymore to fully pass a long file to the chat.

Is there a reason why and will it come back or did I maybe just miss how to enable it in the newest version?

I dont see a reason to completely remove this feature especially when using own keys.


Pro user here. I’ve noticed it’s gone for me as well. There’s no valid reason I can see for its removal. If it wasn’t a mistake, they should at least provide a clear explanation for removing it without any announcement. I rely on the 10-long-context messages daily, especially when I need to provide the chat with a lot of code as context.


Missing it too…


Without Long Context Cursor would lose its usefulness to me and I’d have to search for an alternative


Pro heavy user here, got everyone I know excited and using cursor :slight_smile: one of the selling point was long context.

Myself, I was exclusively using the long context ever since, and this caught me by surprise.

I hope we get confirmation if this is a mistake or intentional, I find it odd they silently removed every trace of it, from the settings page to the chat.


I am Pro user too and long context is also a requirement of how I use Cursor, I hope this is just a bug.


Same for me. You managed to put this very politely.
Me expressing my opinion about this “less politely” got me auto-suspended for 24h (wtf).

Cursor is awesome, cursor with long context is insanely good. It helps me get unstuck in complex projects, saves time and can handle large docs and removes many headaches.

Cursor with long context features removed just like is very surprising rug pull and removal of trust which makes me want to look for alternatives.

For now long contexts works again after downgrading to 0.42.5, which I did and suggest for you to do also.


poor heavy user here too…

unless we can do the normal/agent sweep in chat? that would be a good UI


Pro heavy user here as well.

I’m extremely concerned that long context was removed, with no announcement, while still charging the same price.

This is completely out of keeping with the ‘built by devs, for devs’ feel I used to have for the Cursor team.

From my perspective, this is more in keeping with the ‘get them hooked, then reduce the service quality’ approach of some VC backed companies.

I hope my assessment is wrong.


When you refer to yourselves as “Heavy” users, my guess is that the Cursor team might see you as users who consume more resources than your payment justifies. Just my thought—I’m not sure emphasizing “Heavy” really helps your case here.


Long context never really worked all that good? I quickly switched back…

There are loads of features that were randomly removed for seemingly no reason. Is there no way to disable automated updates? This new version doesn’t feel like an upgrade at the moment. The agent thing is cool, but the lack of all the other features is a big problem… especially if we were already in the middle of working.


How do you revert back to 0.42.5?

This user posted wrote a bunch of links to previous cursor versions:

Right now however the 0.43.x update is in “rolling”-phase, meaning its updating only for some existing Cursor users, not everyone. When that is the case, it means that the cursor link on cursor.sh points to the previous version, which is still 0.42.x for non-logged in users at least.

What I did to get 0.42.x was to simply open an incognito Chrome window and clicked “Download” to get the latest non-“Rolling” installer. The purpose of incognito was avoid both logged in cursor user sessions and browser cache.

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Yes this renders cursor almost unusable for me.


Does anyone know an alternative? Something that lets you use your own api key, unlimited o1-preview, being able to feed it as many files and context as fits the token window and then applying the code it generates? Also being able to quickly reference files without copy pasting everything

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The subscription cost increases with usage.

Each usage amount is $20.

I assume they packaged the $20 to be profitable, including the 10x long contexts per day.

On that basis, the heavier a user is, the more money they make.

Regardless of the above, if they decide to remove part of the offering and charge us the same, then they should state it in the changelog.


Im about to cancel the subscription this is garbage can we get the previous version back without the agent


Also noticed this is gone for me, including the ability to refer to a whole folder.

I don’t care much about the agent part, but long context was one of the main selling points for cursor. Is there a statement from the devs about this?

Trying to downgrade until then.


After reading this, I will not be updating before they fix it. Long context is the way I work every day.