Long Count Chat

Does the long count chats count with the monthly subscription counts? I though I had seen a section in the user area to buy more long content chats on an individual or 10 pack basis. I that still a thing, it doesn’t seem to be there anymore. I’ve current have 1000 per month but will probably go to 1500 or 2000 by the end of the month. Thanks for cursor and gptomini! They are great for the grunt work! I have been using 3.5 and the long count more as projects get bigger. I have found adding in the pre prompt to ignore certian files like the .history, .git, etc…system files and in the cursorignore that it helps with the context. Thanks!

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Hi @msc ,

Does this post contain the information you were looking for?

I am good to go now! Just grabbed 2000 per month, let’s see if I can make that last.

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