None of the generative features work for me since 21st August

I have not installed any new extension, i have not changed any cursor settings, since august 21st none of the generative features (Ctrl+K, Ctrl+L, Cursor Tab) work for me, they all give the “Connection failed” error. I dont use any vpn, my internet is working fine (i am writing this on the same computer with the errors)

The error persists on version 0.40.1 aswell

Here is a request id: 05bf4bab-22ed-48f6-b336-58f57dc091f1

Are you using a proxy or vpn?

No. As I state in my post i am not using any vpn. I am not using a proxy either.

I have reinstalled multiple times to no effect, and the only firewall i have is windows firewall, and i have added cursor as an exception

My codebase indexing fails for every folder, could that have something to do with it?

I have pro membership too, and i am only 1/10th the way through my api requests, so the issue is not because of that either

Hmmm we don’t see that request ID hitting our server which makes us think it might have something to do with an unusual local networking setup.

Are you allowing requests to to go through?

I have not stopped it in any way that I know of.

Sometimes one of the features works and the rest doesnt, like the chat was working for some time while at the same time the ctrl + K was not working.

The api requests get 200 OK. It is not my internets fault

Would you be able to post a few recent failing request ids?
