Relocate Cline Plugin into Chat/Composer Panel

Hi Cursor community!

I’ve been using both the Cline plugin and Cursor’s built-in Chat/Composer features, and I was wondering if there’s a way to relocate Cline into the same panel where Chat and Composer are located. Currently, I find myself switching between different areas of the interface, which interrupts my workflow.

The ability to have Cline in the same section would make the workflow more streamlined, especially when I want to:

  • Quickly switch between different AI assistants
  • Have a more unified experience within the IDE

Is this something that’s currently possible, or could it be considered as a future feature? I’d love to hear if others have found a way to achieve this or if there are any workarounds available.

Thanks in advance for any insights!

Hey, you can drag any icon to the panel using your mouse, but first, you need to change the position of the activity bar from horizontal to vertical, then it will work.

You saved my life, thank you!