Run MCP servers in WSL

It seems the workaround for us Win11 + WSL users is to install Node on our Windows devices and prepend a cmd /c or /k to run it there.

I really don’t want to add anything to my Windows install, as everything else is nicely contained within the WSL instance.

Please can I request that, if the user is connected to WSL, that the MCP servers also run there!


@mwtj42 are you saying that if you insert:

Name: Browser tools
Type: Command
Command: cmd /c npx @agentdeskai/browser-tools-mcp or cmd /k npx @agentdeskai/browser-tools-mcp

You get a successful connection? I cannot, I am running WSL and Win11, I’d be happy with that result.

cmd /c npx -y @agentdeskai/browser-tools-mcp@1.0.11

is hit or miss, sometimes it works, and sometimes it doesn’t

I ran the required additional(?) server in my WSL instance
npx @agentdeskai/browser-tools-server

which suggested it had connected, but Agent died everytime it polled getNetwork - possibly due to the borked 0.46.4 update though…

Hopefully the UX will be ironed out soon for a smooth experience using MCP!


Whoa, that worked for me! Thanks! You have my vote.