Unable to develop VSCode extensions with Cursor. Could it be a bug?

Only theme extensions is currently possible to develop with Cursor.
I tried some reinstalls and other stuffs but nothing seems to work from my side.


I dubbed the video with elevenlabs, so sorry for any mistake.


So, where can I find support? Anyone?

Same issue here. Very annoying. Do you find a solution?

for what it’s worth, i’ve ended up having same project opened in both vscode and cursor – using cursor for coding and vscode for building ¯_(ツ)_/¯

The problem seems to be with the version of vscode engine defined by yo generator. Try change the “engines.vscode” value manually on the package.json to be the same as your Cursor/VS code.

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Oh really? Just like me developing a Flutter app on Cursor with Android Studio opened aside just to be able to connect my physical device.
Try this Unable to develop VSCode extensions with Cursor. Could it be a bug? - #5 by lucianotonet and let us knows if it works

You are totally right! This engines.vscode describe the minimum VSCode version that is capable to run the extension. Below this version number the extension can start but may misbehave as in our situation. This could happen to me because I generated my extension with VSCode just a bit before I started to use Cursor, that seems to be a bit behind VSCode regarding its version number. So the solution is to simply decrease the engines.vscode down to the version that your Cursor is using. See 1.95.0 to 1.93.1 on the image.

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