Unable to reach OpenAI. (but I am using Claude 3.7 Thinking)

I have been using Claude 3.7 Thinking and as it was finalizing a requested change, it just stopped and gave the following:

Unable to reach OpenAI. (try again) Provider was unable to process your request.

Try again does not do anything and I have not been able to use Cursor. It was in the middle of applying changes so changing models is not optimal.

MacOS version 15.3.1 (24D70)
Cursor Version: 0.46.8
VSCode Version: 1.96.2

:prohibited: this issue stopped me from using Cursor.

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Currently having the same issue. I restarted cursor, it then worked for 2 prompts, then continued back to ā€˜Unable to reach openaiā€™ (im using Claude 3.7 thinking - agent). I restarted again, and still the same issue for the past 10 minutes. :frowning:

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Iā€™m having the same issue. My work around is to quit and restart cursor and it works most of the time. But if I send more than one or two prompts, problem returns til restart.

Experiencing the exact same issue. using Cursor latest update 0.46.11

RequestID: 8036d088-ba1e-402a-8db0-ac6f627563f7

Unable to reach OpenAI

Experiencing exactly the same issue. Have not found a workaround.

Request ID: a1fa98c2-f267-4539-932a-1b3d853e24dd

Ah, I had ~12 MCP connections, and decided to disable most, so now Iā€™ve just got 5 enabled. The Agent began working for me after doing this. May have been MCP server tool context overload.