Upgraded usage limit, possible regret

(On pro subscription) After spending some time getting frustrated with gpt-3.5 (it’s good but it’s no 4), and having played around just a handful of times with slow pool 4, I decided to press the button in the web UI to lift the limit from 500 to 1000.

A few quick things:

  • How long does the uplift last, is it a one-off or every month?
  • If I subsequently decide that the feeling of paying an extra dollar every time a few requests go by is too uncomfortable, how do I cancel that and go back to slow pool?
  • When I pressed the button to upgrade, why did it immediately show I’d used over 500 fast requests already? It instantly leapt to nearly 520 used. Surely those 20-or-so were slow pool requests and shouldn’t be chargeable?

will inspect our billing logic more carefully! also we are releasing a way to have more than 500 fast requests soon!

Thanks, appreciate it!

Any info on those questions? I guess I can eat the dollar or so of over-charging if that’s what’s happened, but I’m quite keen to know what’ll happen next month.

Would still be good to get some clarity on the remaining questions above at some point.

For anyone wondering, I can at least confirm that you don’t get yourself stuck on 1000 permanently. I took a break from Cursor for the remainder of the month just to avoid the uncertainty around billing (hello ChatGPT, my old friend). Now it’s November I’m back to 500.