Using ChatGPT 4 with Cursor

Is there a way to login to my openAI account to use chatGPT 4 with cursor if I pay for a chaptGPT + account?


Hello there, no there is not, OpenAI API and CHATGPT 4 are two different products

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I understand, but on my cursor account it says I can only get 50 chat GPT calls per month, however, I pay for chat GPT 4. It would be nice if I could just login to my OpenAI account which has access to GPT 4

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Hi, It sounds like you’re on ChatGPT Plus with OpenAI, but keep in mind that the OpenAI API is a separate service, requiring its own payment – which it seems you haven’t set up yet. For billing details specific to the API service, check out OpenAI Platform. Once you add a payment method there, you can generate your API keys at OpenAI Platform. Use these keys in the Cursor IDE for direct OpenAI API usage billing. Keep tabs on your usage and related charges at OpenAI Platform. To integrate your OpenAI API Key with Cursor IDE, there’s a gear icon in the top right – see the attached screenshot for guidance.

Please refer to for more details.

Ahh I see. Is it cheaper to use openAI’s api key service than it is to buy the premium version of Cursor?

Depends on how much you use it, but 500 fast GPT-4 requests and unlimited slow GPT-4 requests, along with unlimited GPT 3.5 requests, are definitely worth more than $20 in API credits.