Hi there.
I want to use cursor erditor in my company network(intranet).
In my cases, chat is worked. But Inline Command(Ctrl+K) is not worked.
Error Msg: Connectino Failed. If the problem persists, please check your internet connection or VPN
Request ID: 2a5231ad-10a3-41e4-9309-d79cb8461092
Hey, that request ID is not in our system, which suggest there is something blocking the connection between the Cursor app on your machine, and our servers.
If you head to cursor.com/security, and go to the ‘Client Security’ section, you can see a few URLs that need to be accessible for Cursor to work correctly - try to see if any are blocked on your end, and we can go from there.
Begs the question if corp P2P teams vpn endpoint to cursor might be supported if you have staff…
And companies teams can route all composer streams through for added corpo goodness?
What have Cursors BigCo customers been doing?