My cursor couldn’t recognize automatic code modifications while I was coding. I tried closing and restarting the software (without restarting the computer or system), and then the cursor got deleted by itself!!! However, after reinstalling, the configuration was still there.
Hey, do you use Windows? Which version of Cursor was installed on your system before? I think this issue might have occurred due to an update. When you restarted Cursor, the update process began. During the installation of the new version, it first removes the old version, but it seems like you might not have waited for the update to complete in the background.
I am running into the same issue. In my case, it closes by itself (seemed like a crash). But the app is gone. Clicking the shortcut also gives error. I need to reinstall to get it again.
Yes, I am using Windows, but normally if I restart to update, there will be an installation progress bar, and I need to click upgrade to upgrade, but I don’t have this progress bar, I didn’t click upgrade, and all shortcuts are invalid. Because it was closed suddenly, all the content disappeared, I couldn’t know my previous version number, I later downloaded Cursor Setup 0.45.8 - Build 250201b44xw1x2k-x64.exe from the official website, and then reopened it to prompt me that I had an update to 0.45.9
I am having problems with Cursor suddenly not being able to find files. Eventually it crashes, and appears to have deleted itself. It is still there, but you have to reboot your computer. It disappeared from both Powershell and Windows Start (the shortcut was there but no bueno…) Rebooting restored launch. I have 45.8 (the latest) already installed, but Cursor keeps asking me to update. This version seems really problematic. I have not had this issue in the past.
@bifoc34610 I only see 45.8 when I click download. Where is 45.9? 45.8 is driving me crazy!!! I see “Update cursor” in the app itself, but clicking on it does nothing.
Hmm thats weird, try to redownload from
That will always provide you with the latest version available to you!
yes i redownload from with file Cursor Setup 0.45.8 - Build 250201b44xw1x2k-x64.exe still Unable to enter code auto currently only by manual.
After the complete installation, you will be prompted to upgrade
Can you try downloading from Downloads | Cursor - The AI Code Editor instead?
It just happened (auto delete) to me too (upgrading to 0.45.11). I recovered the whole program and my lost session by going to C:\Users'Your Username’\AppData\Local\cursor-updater\pending and selecting the Cursor-Setup file. Cursor Ai reinstalled itself with all my chat and composer history.
This information might be useful:
My cursor uninstalled itself again after an error occurred during chat. After try restarting, it just gone, the task manager could not find any programs related to cursor.
As one who has had the following reply from cursor bot:
uh, how run cursor in total padded gloves…
And where is @cursor on any of this stuff?
I mean you cant have a ~portable implementation of Cursor. Whereby it can never delete itself…
What would be great is a Cursor Session Spawner – whereby global_heaps can be defined and I can multi interact
This appears WAY too frequently…
Need to determine if the nightly build folks can run on a standard image and run same stuff…
Why are so many people reporting this behavior
Hi, could help me please, my account has been degraded to free suddenly. I have also sent an email to, but not received any reply yet.