Gift subscriptions

Credit card companies love to “lock down” if there is suspicious activity on a card, which may extend to subscriptions for accounts. However if I have a card that is “known good” with whatever payment processor Cursor uses:

Requesting ability to purchase a gift code that can be used for any other cursor account for a month of pro on the other account (and not eligible for refund).

(That may be my own work-site account where I do not want to input my credit card details, the reason to mention code redeem is not eligible for refund is to keep the paperwork down for the cursor team).

The transfer is non-monetary and kept within the cursor system .(A cursor code cannot be used to purchase other goods like a Google play card (this statement is made because I’ve seen Google play cards get locked down for usage even though the card was paid for in cash)).

I’ve seen a few other topics on this but not in the feature request category. (like this one purchase subscription for a friend - #6 by litecode)


I would +1 this one. I’m working with quite a few people that can’t afford a subscription (they are looking for a position) and could get some help with a sub.
Could be 1month or a year till they land on their feet.

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