Refund Request - Premium Subscription Issues

Dear Support Team,

I’m requesting a refund for my recently purchased premium subscription. Despite the initial hype, I’ve encountered numerous issues that significantly hinder its functionality:

  1. Cursor in the “Composer” view disappears or teleports unexpectedly
  2. Code often appears in wrong locations
  3. Applied code frequently fails to integrate with the codebase
  4. Some of Cursor AI specific keyboard shortcuts don’t work
  5. Composer window can’t be resized from bottom or pinned to an IDE section
  6. Composer history clears on git reset --hard

These problems substantially impact the product’s usability and don’t align with the expected premium experience. I’d appreciate a prompt refund.

Thank you for your attention to this matter.

Sincerely, Artur Niklewicz

Hey @ArturNiklewicz

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