Pro upgrade problems

Hey, i purchased the pro version of cursor, but it still appears free to me.
Algo i get a 500 error and didn’t receive a receipt about the payment.
Can you help me? @truell20

Hi @diogoratomas ,

As a first step, please try:

I just subscribed to Pro but I’m still on the free plan in the app.

Try logging out and logging back in from the Cursor Settings Popup.

And please provide relevant information from these steps:

@titusdecali - here is some information about o1-preview usage that may be relevant to your query:

01) Not Appliable

02) I used the Upgrade to Pro button from Cursor Website, then i paid on the stripe platform and a got back to the cursor site when the transaction succeed
03) Version: 0.41.2
VSCode Version: 1.91.1
Commit: 297991d169fa3a11975c5aa95adc69be73250c70
Date: 2024-09-21T04:18:39.370Z
Electron: 29.4.0
ElectronBuildId: undefined
Chromium: 122.0.6261.156
Node.js: 20.9.0
OS: Windows_NT x64 10.0.22631

04) VPN or Zscaler? None of them

05) Not Relavant
06) I Tried to log out and log in, and sent the email for with the bank statment


I also upgraded to PRO and nothing happened. I’m linked to the correct email, tried logging in/out several times. I received confirmation from STRIPE, but nothing from Cursor.

Can you explain what’s going on? What do you see when you log into your account here: Settings | Cursor - The AI-first Code Editor? What issues are you facing?

  1. Upgraded to the Pro plan (yearly subscription).
  2. Completed authentication with my bank via the Stripe API.
  3. Received a confirmation from Stripe that the payment was successful.
  4. Contacted my bank, but they have no record of a pending transaction.
  5. Additionally, I noticed unusual behavior while using Cursor yesterday: files were not being retained in context, and no files were available to apply suggested code.
  6. These issues have made me reconsider my decision to upgrade.

I am also having the same problem here, upgraded and nothing happened

Hi @tps1147

Please send an email to

I recently upgraded to a Cursor Pro subscription and was immediately charged. However, I have not yet been granted access to the Pro features. After contacting customer support, I was informed that my payment is still pending in Stripe. Despite providing a screenshot from my bank confirming the charge, I have received no further communication from Cursor. I have requested a refund due to this unresolved issue, but have not received any response. Could you please prioritize this matter and provide an update or process a refund as soon as possible? Thank you for your attention to this matter.

I’ve forwarded your request.

Yet to receive any response. I will be contacting my bank to dispute the charge.

Still having the same issue.

Hey, what issues are you facing?